
Tuesday, 10 September 2019

How a bill becomes alaw

In N.Z, we have a process that helps a bill become a law...for example a lobby can be used to makes a law lobby is where you put pressure on a MP this is how bands on plastic bags happens
You may have noticed that the small harmless utensil that goes generally unnoticed in your everyday life has made it onto 2018’s most-wanted list. Why target the straw out of all things? but The problem is their size. They are small and not clearly visible. So much so that people often forget they are plastic and do not recycle them. Also plastic bags may not seem as harmful as you think they are but they are now banned due to the cause of choking or poisoning fish, animals and birds, with marine wildlife particularly vulnerable.

The reason why they banned plastic bags and straws is because the turtles keep eating them. Plastic bags have been banned since last year due to the environment being damaged. This first started when people began to protest and complained about animals dying. Plastic’s are also not to be sold in a shop because it is now a law. “Seven million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year and it is estimated that by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by weight”.